Retro Rabbit: Corona in Asien


Mit Retro Rabbit nehmen wir euch mit auf eine Reise zurück in unsere Archivschätze – die besten Beiträge, Interviews und Highlights aus der Vergangenheit, neu entdeckt für heute! Mit Rabbit Radio werfen wir einen Blick auf die Entwicklungen in Südkorea während der Corona-Pandemie. Nikolas spricht mit Michael, einem Krankenpfleger vor Ort, über die wirksamen Maßnahmen der Regierung, das disziplinierte Verhalten der Bevölkerung und seine persönlichen Erfahrungen mit der Krankheit. Wie sieht das Leben nach den Einschränkungen aus? Und welche Lehren können wir daraus ziehen?

Nikolas: Michael, the last time we talked everything was shut down in Korea. How did the situation change since then?                                                                  

Michael: Recently in the past month or so the numbers were actually been on the decline. Things are going well. It seems that the programs and the things they implemented to help stop the spread have been effective and we´re finally seeing the results of that and the restrictions are kind of starting to lose up and things are kind of returning more to normal way of live than they were previously.

Nikolas: And what measures has the Korean government taken to contain the virus or to fight against the virus?            

Micheal: The South Korean government has been very proactive in the aspect that they were doing a lot of testing very early on. So, they were able to catch those who had been infected very quickly and implemented quarantine, self-quarantining. They´ve also asked that all citizens go by social distancing to prevent the spread of disease. As well as p.p.e. personal protective equipment such as masks, things like that just to help prevent spread the virus. As well as of course regular personal hygiene such as hand washing and covering when you sneeze and cough. Things like that.

Nikolas: What about meeting friends, going shopping or just sitting in the restaurant?

Micheal: As far as social distancing is concerned they´ve limited initially group sizes to groups no larger than ten or more people and shut down a lot of the businesses like sit-down restaurants, things of that nature where large groups of people would gather to help prevent the spread.

Nikolas: So, do all people comply with the government regulations?

Michael: So, as far as the Korean people themselves they´ve been very comply with the directive given by the government. I think that as a whole the Korean people understand that it´s not about one person´s wants or desires but about the wellness of the nation. So, they understand that some sacrifices have to be made in order to, you know, keep everyone safe and healthy.                                                                                                                                    

Nikolas: You work as a labor and delivery nurse. How does the situation in Korean hospitals look like?

Micheal: The South Korean government have put a lot of regulations in place, governing health care that helped expedite the testing and treatment process here in Korea. Due to those processes the health care sector has kind of been, not unburdened but hasn´t been overloaded with the number of cases.

Nikolas: You we´re already defeated Corona once. How was it for you to be infected?

Michael: As I mentioned for a young healthy person it´s not, you know usually a big deal for our immune systems to kind of fight and protect us from these types of viruses. So, in my case I was very fortunate, you know I did have a low-grade fever of, you know 99, 100 degrees Fahrenheit and a dry cough that had been bothering me for a little while. So, fortunately I caught the symptoms early and I went ahead and quarantine myself. So, you know I wasn´t spreading the disease to anyone else.

Nikolas: Michael, are you afraid you´ll be infected a second time?

Michael: Generally speaking, you know I would be concerned, as if Corona virus starts to mutate. Then, you know my body may not be as well equipped, but like I said as a healthy person I´m not too concerned.

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